Saturday, 7 July 2012

At home skin care


1. Honey - helps to maintain the skins moisture which causes skin to look hydrated and plump.

2. Lemons - are great for lightening dark spots on the skin.

3. Egg whites and pawpaw- The antioxidants in strawberries help the skin fight off damaging free radicals from the sun, stress and pollution. Egg whites are great at firming the skin. Use a combination of both for an anti-aging regimen.

4. Plain yogurt - this is excellent for oily/combination skin as a mask and is one of the best homemade beauty tips. Combine yogurt with oatmeal and honey to balance the skin's oil production if you are prone to oily or combination skin making this one of the best face beauty tips.

5. Milk - This is great for soothing mild sunburn and some shaving irritations.
6. Lemon juice, oats and honey - A combination of these ingredients is great if you need a moisturizing facial mask. The oats and the honey hydrate and plump the skin, whereas the lemon lightens dark spots.

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