Tuesday, 11 February 2014

What to know about the fruits you eat!

Did you know these about the fruits you eat?

Have you ever wondered why ancient people lived over 100 years? Why didn’t they have cancer and other chronic diseases? The answer to these problems lies within the health benefits of fruits that the ancient people already knew.
Today where the use of antioxidants in diet is a growing phenomenon, essential for maintaining good health and preventing cancer, the fruits have proven to be the best source for it. They are rich in minerals and vitamins beneficial for maintaining physical as well as mental health.
Most of the fruits contain iron which is essential for increasing hemoglobin, accommodates transfer of oxygen in the blood and helps boost immune system. The other minerals contained in fruits are potassium, sodium and magnesium. Also there are a variety of vitamins present in them that play an important role to undertake various functions of the body.


Also known as the king of the fruits is not just called that for its great taste but also for its uncountable benefits. It is a rich source of Iron and works as an antidote for anemic patients. It is ideal for pregnant women and also for those women who get weak after their menopause. It is also rich in Vitamin A and also helps reduce skin aging process.


Next time when your doctor prescribes you an antidepressant, try eating a banana. Rooted in bananas is a chemical called amino acid tryptophan that helps to reduce depression. Also banana is an important source of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, iron, potassium and phosphorous. The amount of phosphorus found in banana is very useful in brain development. This popular fruit is also a quick and easy remedy for heartburn.


Orange belongs to the family of citrus fruit. This juicy fruit contains collagen, beneficial for keeping younger looking skin. Don’t consider orange peels as a waste because chewing small pieces of its peels help eliminate bad breath and give you long lasting fresh breath. It also maintains the PH level of the mouth and prevents tooth decay and cavities.


Pineapple is yet another amazing fruit with lots of benefits for skin. It is beneficial for healing wounds and curing skin infections that are caused by injuries. It contains enzymes that helps in skin elasticity and also makes the skin soft. An easy remedy for dark spots lies within Pineapple. Pineapple helps build strong bones and improves digestion.


An ages old statement, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” still holds true, as it is helpful in curing major diseases like Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis and asthma. It is the highest cultivated fruit worldwide and 35% is cultivated in China. The rich amount of pectin found in it helps reduce bad cholesterol up to 16%, improves intestinal health and removes toxic substances from the body. Also the amount of potassium found in it helps the functioning of kidneys and also aids in stone removal.


Grapes known as the, “queen of fruits” contains essential vitamins like Vitamin A, C and B6. It has some important minerals stored in it such as calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, selenium and magnesium. A simple home remedy for curing Migraine is to drink juice of ripe grapes without adding water to it. It prevents heart diseases by improving the nitric oxide levels in the blood, which results in reduced blood clotting. Grapes are helpful in curing asthma, constipation, indigestion, kidney disorders, breast cancers and Alzheimer’s.


Lemon is an all season fruit that has endless benefits. Since ancient times this fruit is believed to neutralize the affects of various poisons and researches have proved it to be true. The rich contents of vitamin C helps maintain good skin health. Other essential nutrients found in it are calcium, magnesium, bioflavonoid, limonene and pectin. It is known for its immunity boosting, antibacterial and anti-viral properties. Also it is a cheap and easy remedy for weight loss. Drinking a cup of lemon water will help you get rid of bad breath.


To beat the scorching heat of summer watermelon is the best fruit available as it is rich in electrolytes. Watermelon is a low caloric fruit . It prevents stroke and other chronic heart diseases with the help of potassium contents in it. The amount of lycopene present in watermelon helps the skin from harmful effects of UV rays. It also contains vitamin B-1, B6, C and manganese. Excessive ammonia in the body is removed with the help of arginine present in this fruit.


Dates hold utmost importance in Arab states and since ancient times it has been used as a complete meal. This high caloric fruit is rich in iron, potassium, manganese and vitamin B-complex. The B-complex vitamins helps regulate the glucose level whereas potassium controls the blood pressure, helps transmit nerve impulses and prevents cramping of muscles. Manganese is effective in maintaining strong bones. The use of dates reduces the risk of heart attack and it is also an easy solution for constipation.


Strawberry contains antioxidants and is a rich source of vitamin C which helps to improve the immune system. Folic acid is also found in it abundantly essential for making DNA and RNA and fighting Cancer. For stained teeth cut strawberries into halves and rub them on teeth, you will notice a visible difference. It is also a rich source of manganese, potassium, copper and vitamin B-complex.

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